Compliance Course Program

Join MRD Training for Compliance Course Programs exclusively available for Corporate Membership.


Every course completion earns a certificate.

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Years of Excellence

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Compliance Courses

Custom Corporate Membership Programs with Certificate Accreditation

Doing The Right Things- A Guide to Good Business Ethics

Good ethics are good business. Yet sometimes we all struggle to do the right thing in the workplace. Maybe we feel stressed or overwhelmed, and the easier option becomes more attractive. We could also be afraid to speak up—or just unsure what the ethical decision would be.

In this course, you’ll learn what business ethics are and why they’re important. Then, you’ll get seven principles to guide your ethical behavior at work. Finally, you’ll explore a few of the most common ethical pitfalls in the workplace and how to avoid them.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.
Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

A Guide to Workplace Integrity

What does it mean to have integrity? And what role does it play in career advancement and job satisfaction?
These questions make up the heart of this course on workplace integrity. In it, you’ll consider the benefits and challenges of maintaining integrity when making di􀆧cult workplace decisions.
You’ll learn about the three forms of workplace integrity and see real-world examples of it in action. You’ll also uncover four steps to align your values and actions and become a professional that others trust, admire, and respect.

Accreditation:  1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters


Power & Pride: The Origins of Pride Month

Decades of oppression of the LGBTQAI2S+ community, cultural shifts in the 1960s, and each and every decade after. You’ll learn how numerous historical events became a catalyst for change and a symbol for LGBTQAI2S+ rights that evolved into today’s Pride festivals and marches. This course explores the key events and personalities in Canada that ultimately shaped a global movement.

At the end of this program, the learner will be able to have a better understanding of the Origins of Pride, the inclusive language, and how you can help become an ally on both the organizational level and the individual level and turn ideas into action.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters


Understanding the Ontario Take-All-Comers Rule

Auto insurance is necessary to operate a vehicle in Ontario and FSRA is taking steps to ensure that all consumers can get the best product at the best price available when they purchase or renew their auto insurance policy. FSRA recently issued “Take-All-Comers” guidance to the industry to help prevent activities that preclude or frustrate consumers' efforts to purchase or renew their auto insurance when they would otherwise qualify for a quote or renewal.

Join Melanie as we review the Act to ensure you understand what your responsibilities are and how to ensure compliance.

Accreditation:  1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Understanding PIPEDA – Coming Soon

In this course, we will be talking about the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the federal private sector privacy law.
The goal of this presentation is to offer you information to help your business comply with the federal privacy law, and to help you learn why good privacy practices are good for business.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

RIBO Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct Handbook is distributed to insurance brokers in the Province of Ontario with the approval of the Council of the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario.
Join us as we review your responsibilities as a broker by reviewing the code of conduct and providing real-life examples.

This course is addressed to all brokers registered in Ontario.

Accreditation:  1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters


Diversity Basics: The Foundation

You’ve probably heard the word “diversity” pretty frequently both in and out of the workplace, but are you confident you understand what it means and how it might impact your life?

Diversity—along with the complementary concepts of equity, and inclusion—impacts your well-being, regardless of your background. Having a firm grasp on these terms is essential not only for a healthy workplace but ultimately a healthier way of living.

This course will introduce you to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). By the time you’ve finished this course, you’ll be better equipped to understand the importance of DEI and take action to support diversity initiatives in the workplace.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.

Accreditation:  1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Discrimination Training for Employees and Managers

What comes to mind when you think of a constructive work environment? Is it one that’s safe? Professional? Welcoming? Everyone has a slightly different answer, but one theme is unifying: a respectful, inclusive culture, free of harassment and discrimination.

In this course, you’ll learn what a respectful workplace looks like, how to recognize harassment and discrimination, and what laws are in place to safeguard the workplace. We’ll then dig into the specifics of sexual harassment, including how to prevent and respond to inappropriate behavior as both an employee and a manager.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.

Accreditation:  3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters


How to be an Ally for Diversity and Inclusion

Diverse and inclusive organizations want all employees to feel recognized, valued, and welcomed. They applaud each person for who they are individually and encourage everyone to feel secure in their differences and come to work as their true selves.
Propelling that charge, those with privileged social identities can empower others by being an ally for diversity and inclusion. In this course, you’ll learn more about what it means to be an ally and what characteristics an ally embodies. Then, you’ll learn about five ally roles you can take on the next time you spot injustice.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters


Beyond Pride: Year Round Action

Every June, Pride Month offers a chance for celebration and equal rights activism for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. But what happens when the rainbow-themed window displays and social media filters are put away? How do we remain authentic supporters of LGBTQ+ rights and honor the community for the rest of the year?

This course will help. At the end of this program, the learner will be able to have a better understanding of how they can become an ally on both the organizational level and the individual level and turn ideas into action.

This course is addressed to all industry professionals.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters



FP Canada CE Approved

Accreditation for FP Canada CE Approved Activities


Ethical Guidance courses.


RIBO and OTL Licencing

Management Skills

Essential Management Coaching

Personal Skills

Upskill yourself!

Technical Skills

Cars, Cyber and more!

Compliance Courses

Compliance Course Corporate Programs

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