5-Day Challenge to Improve Your Mental Health

5-Day Challenge to Improve Your Mental Health

The importance of mental health can’t be overstated, given that it impacts every part of our lives. Even so, we often let caring for our mental health take a back seat to other priorities. We ignore our needs until we’re burned out, isolated, or struggling with...
Soliciting and Responding to Customer Feedback

Soliciting and Responding to Customer Feedback

A customer has just finished relating the negative experience they had with your product. What now? Do you react defensively—or thank them for their candor? Either way, what do you say? In this course, you’ll learn why customer feedback is important and how to solicit...
Essential Customer Service

Essential Customer Service

There are a handful of customer service skills that can make the difference between an average experience and one that leaves your customers feeling completely delighted. Do you know what those skills are? Do you have them? In this course, we’ll uncover four...
A Guide To Empathy At Work

A Guide To Empathy At Work

Empathy—the ability to understand and share other people’s emotions—is critical in the workplace. Customers want to feel appreciated for their business and acknowledged when they have a problem. Employees want to feel valued and for their coworkers and managers to...
Write Like a Boss

Write Like a Boss

Have you ever emailed a co-worker and gotten a confused reply? Have you filed a great report only to have your boss complain it was riddled with spelling and punctuation errors? Did a client misunderstand a letter you sent? If any of these situations sound familiar,...