MRD Updates News Feed
Just a Good Ol’ Dad Joke
You know what they say - a dad joke a day, keeps the doctors away! Why can't a nose be 12 inches?...
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!
Happy St. Patricks Day to our fellow Irish friends & those who choose to celebrate today - no...
This One’s For The Girls!
Happy International Women's Day to all of you women - today is about acknowledging yourself and...
New Course Published – YAY
We have officially published this course for all of you - let us know if this is something you...
Weekly Tip For You!
Happy Thursday, we're almost there! You know that we LOVE sharing motivational quotes for you,...
We have two new courses that have been added to the MRD website: Ethics: Whistleblowing In The...
Happy February
Can you believe that it's already February? Does it make sense if I say that January felt so long...
A Little Thursday Motivation For You!
"Success does not consist in never making mistakes, but in never making the same one a second...
Dad Joke of the Day!
Us at MRD LOVE to tell and hear some good dad jokes! If you know any, send them our way - we would...
Happy Holidays from us at MRD!
We just want to take a minute to wish every single one of you a Merry Christmas & Happy...
Do It For You
Thursday Tip: "People don't grow by accident, they grow by design. Design yourself. Design your...
Happy December!
Good Afternoon & Happy December! The month of joy, happiness & to finish what you started...
Hey, Hey, Hey – It’s Thursday!
"Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling...
Happy Thursday, We’re Almost There!
Reasons to be happy on a Thursday! - You only have THIS Thursday once - You've made it through...
Honour Those Who Fought For Our Country – Remembrance Day
We dedicate today and remember those who served for our country; Fathers, Mothers, Sons,...
Movember is here!
Movember is here and it's time to raise awareness for men's health, including prostate cancer,...
Acts of Kindness to Make the World a Better Place
You want to make a change in the world? Well who says you can't? Here are some acts of kindness...
Thursday Tip!
Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here & we just want you to remember: "When you can't...
GREAT NEWS! We have now been accredited within Alberta! For those participants who have been...
There’s Always Something to Be Grateful For!
With the Thanksgiving long weekend approaching, it's important to remember to take a break and...