Black History Month

Black History Month

Both Canada and The United States have formally recognized the importance of Black History for more than 100 years. What started as a weeklong observance in the early 1900s has blossomed into the month of events, activities, and celebrations we now see each February....
Gérer le stress, la pression et l’épuisement professionnel

Gérer le stress, la pression et l’épuisement professionnel

Vous êtes-vous déjà senti stressé au travail ? Comment réagissez-vous aux situations de haute pression? L’épuisement professionnel est-il une menace pour votre bien-être et votre productivité ? La vérité est que nous sommes tous sujets au stress, à la pression...
How to Handle Objections and Getting Your Client To Say Yes!!

How to Handle Objections and Getting Your Client To Say Yes!!

Every salesperson will encounter hesitation from customers. What separates the good and the great salespeople is knowing how to handle objections. This course explores what sales objections are, how to overcome them, and how to avoid rejection. Topics Include: Common...
Coping With Workplace Change

Coping With Workplace Change

Change takes many shapes in the workplace. You might face project changes shifting organizational goals, and job or team restructuring—to name a few. Regardless of what the change is, how does it make you feel? Excited? Anxious? Skeptical? Most people feel at least a...
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Recent studies report that over 70% of Canadians—and billions of people worldwide—actively use social media. Popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn have transformed how brands interact with their audience. Understanding...
Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

For the uninitiated, searching for things online might seem like magic. You type a few words in the search bar, click a button, and voila!—the answers to your questions are right at your fingertips. But why do certain web pages appear at the top of a results page? The...
Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

If you’ve ever put off doing an important task or project, you’re not alone. Procrastination is common in the workplace. And while it may not seem harmful in the moment, chronic procrastination can hinder your productivity, damage your relationships with coworkers,...
How To Avoid Conflicts of Interest

How To Avoid Conflicts of Interest

Doing the right thing means that you’re acting with integrity in all that you do. But doing the right thing can become challenging when you’re faced with ambiguous and complicated ethical dilemmas, like a potential conflict of interest. That’s why we are giving...
Developing a Growth Mind Set

Developing a Growth Mind Set

Developing a growth mindset allows individuals and companies to realize their potential, increase resilience, and achieve success. A growth mindset can unlock your capacity to learn, grow, and thrive—regardless of your current abilities or skill level. In this course,...
Gérer le stress, la pression et l’épuisement professionnel

Dealing With Stress, Pressure, and Burnout

Ever feel stressed at work? How do you react to high-pressure situations? Is burnout a threat to your well-being and productivity? The truth is that we’re all prone to stress, pressure, and burnout. Understanding what they are and how they work helps us create a...
Giving & Receiving Feedback

Giving & Receiving Feedback

The benefits of feedback in the workplace are many. However, feedback needs to be given and received effectively. Giving effective feedback means achieving the desired results while, at the same time, making sure that all parties involved are respected. Receiving...
Principes de bases de la diversité: les fondements

Principes de bases de la diversité: les fondements

Vous avez probablement entendu le mot « diversité » assez fréquemment sur le lieu de travail et en dehors, mais êtes-vous sûr de comprendre ce que cela signifie et comment cela pourrait avoir un impact sur votre vie ? La diversité, ainsi que les concepts...
Diriger dans les temps difficiles

Diriger dans les temps difficiles

Les violations de données, les catastrophes naturelles et la violence au travail ne sont que quelques exemples de crises ou d’événements inattendus auxquels une entreprise peut avoir à faire face et qui menacent sa stabilité. Des crises comme celles-ci peuvent plonger...
Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Can you identify your emotions and understand why they’re happening? What about the emotions of others? Are you skilled at spotting and responding to their cues? Those with high emotional intelligence readily recognize their feelings, manage their reactions, and build...
Leading Through Difficult Times

Leading Through Difficult Times

Data breaches, natural disasters, and workplace violence are just a few of the risks businesses face. Crises like these can throw a company into chaos, threaten public and employee safety, and more. While predicting a crisis is nearly impossible, you can take steps to...
Leading Remote Teams

Leading Remote Teams

Are you considering a role that involves the management of staff that work remotely? Curious about the challenges and opportunities faced by remote teams? Reflecting on how leaders like yourself have been impacted by the widespread move to remote work? You’ll learn...
Doing The Right Things- A Guide to Good Business Ethics

Doing The Right Things- A Guide to Good Business Ethics

Good ethics are good business. Yet sometimes we all struggle to do the right thing in the workplace. Maybe we feel stressed or overwhelmed, and the easier option becomes more attractive. We could also be afraid to speak up—or just unsure what the ethical decision...
Advanced Problem Solving

Advanced Problem Solving

Being an effective problem-solver is a useful skill in any line of work. Whether it’s a small issue or a complex dilemma, understanding how to solve problems efficiently and effectively gives you an advantage in work and life. But how do you become a great...
A Guide to Workplace Integrity

A Guide to Workplace Integrity

What does it mean to have integrity? And what role does it play in career advancement and job satisfaction? These questions make up the heart of this course on workplace integrity. In it, you’ll consider the benefits and challenges of maintaining integrity when making...
Power & Pride: The Origins of Pride Month

Power & Pride: The Origins of Pride Month

Decades of oppression of the LGBTQAI2S+ community, cultural shifts in the 1960s, and each and every decade after. You’ll learn how numerous historical events became a catalyst for change and a symbol for LGBTQAI2S+ rights that evolved into today’s Pride festivals and...