Commercial Auto Broker Jump Start
31.5 hrs CE Credits Available (ON/SK)
This program is designed for newly licensed or transitioning commercial brokers who want to elevate their knowledge of commercial auto.
Over the course of the program, students will gain knowledge and training on:
• Commercial auto policies, endorsements and exclusions
• Key underwriting skills (e.g. application completion, the CVOR, calculators and reports)
• Tailored soft skills training (e.g. networking, sales techniques, communication and time management)
• Errors & Omissions prevention and ethics training

Every course completion earns a certificate.

Online Studies
100% online e-learning from the comfort of your own home.

Years of Excellence
MRD have provided many years of insurance expert coaching.

Your purchase includes access to the following modules:

Introduction to Commercial Auto
Do you need an overview of the principles and concepts, as well as the technical side of commercial auto? Commercial lines auto insurance can seem complex at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Join us for this jam-packed webinar covering everything you’ll need to know as a new industry employee, or as someone moving from personal lines to commercial lines. You will walk away from this course being able to Identify the steps in the underwriting process for individually rated commercial auto, understand the rating process, describe the coverage and risk exposures and provide risk management for your clients.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Fleet and Garage Auto
Do you need an overview of the principles and concepts, as well as the technical side of commercial auto? Commercial lines auto insurance can seem complex at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Join us for this jam-packed program covering everything you’ll need to know as a new industry employee, or as someone moving from personal lines to commercial lines. You will walk away from this course being able to Identify the steps in the underwriting process for individually rated commercial auto, garage and fleet as well as understanding the rating process, describe the coverage and risk exposures and provide risk management for your clients.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Commercial Endorsements Auto
Feeling a little overwhelmed understanding all of the endorsements available for commercial auto? Well, this course is for you. We will do a deep dive into all the standard endorsements and even some non-standard endorsements for fun!
The best part???? We will even complete a 21B together!
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Understanding & Selling Ontario Accident Benefits
This webinar is addressed to all industry professionals who want to fully understand the new accident benefits and how to not only explain the current coverage but also the optional coverage. We will also cover how to discuss the current coverage and the need for the increased coverage with claims examples. Assignments included!
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Understanding the CVOR (Auto)
Do you ask yourself what makes up the CVOR? What is the ‘Overall Violation Rate’ and how do collisions affect it? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this seminar is for you. The CVOR is one of the most important documents in underwriting a commercial auto risk and can be a bit overwhelming to understand. Join us at this session as we navigate our way through reading and understanding the CVOR, using it as an underwriting tool as well as a sales tool.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

DiSC Relationship Sales Training
Join us as we delve into your personal DiSC Sales Style as we teach you how to map and identify your style and the style of your customers as well as identify your customers buying priorities. We cannot wait to help strengthen your sales skills and close more sales then you are today! This program includes a 23-page personalized profile that helps salespeople understand themselves, their customers, and their relationships.
Accreditation: 6 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Technical Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Negotiation Skills
This webinar is addressed to all industry professionals who want to learn how to effectively continue their professional development and negotiate effectively. By the end of the course, learners will be able to understand and apply the 10 principles to achieve a win-win negotiation outcome.
Accreditation: 2 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Personal Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Business Ethics For The Insurance Professional
Join us as we discuss what ethics really means while we analyze the grey areas of ethical expectations within the context of corporate decision making and ethical business practice. Explore the elements of decision making that are directly affected by ethical considerations and social expectations using case scenario examples and more.
Accreditation: 1 Hour
RIBO Accreditation: Ethics Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Note Taking to Protect Your E&O
Note-taking is an art that is extremely important in our industry. What do we document? How do you say it? When can these notes be used? Join us for a quick 30-minute session on note-taking and what to include in your notes as well as valuable tips to protect your E&O.
Exclusively with a membership.

Personal Branding & Networking
Personal Branding & Networking is an important part of our industry. Your personal brand is an indicator of your trustworthiness, integrity and eligibility. Whether you are starting your career, seeking suitable promotion or recruiting people to join you, your personal brand will influence the outcome. This webinar will provide insights into the foundation and development of a personal brand strategy and guide you through developing your own personal brand. We will then assist you in creating a powerful online profile and tackle networking both online and traditionally through creating content and scheduling posts.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Personal Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Taking Your Time Back
Do you feel like time is getting away? Are you always wondering why there is not enough hours in a day? Well, you need to take your time back! Join Melanie in discussing what is negatively affecting your time management and how you can make changes. We will talk about common roadblocks to effective time management and how to conquer them. Numerous tips and worksheets provided for you to utilize our tips moving forward!
Accreditation: 1 Hour
RIBO Accreditation: Personal Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General

Listening to Understand Not To Respond
Did you know that there is a difference between hearing and listening? There is! Have you ever been told that you just don’t listen? Most people have at some point in their life, so you probably have experienced it as well. This course explains the ins and outs of what good listening skills consist of, why they are important and how you can improve them.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
RIBO Accreditation: Personal Hours
Saskatchewan: All classes other than Life / General
Personal Lines Jump Start
Essentials for Insurance Professionals
Commercial Lines Jump Start
Upskill yourself!

Commercial Auto Jump Start
Cars, negotiations and more!