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In the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian real estate, life lease housing has emerged as a unique and burgeoning form of tenure. However, despite its growing popularity, many individuals, both purchasers and insurance professionals alike, remain in the dark when it comes to insuring a new life lease purchase. To shed light on this often misunderstood topic, we present to you an enlightening webinar that aims to demystify the intricacies of life lease housing insurance

As a highlight of the webinar, we will provide an in-depth review of a sample life lease agreement, deciphering its clauses and shedding light on the insurance implications embedded within. By dissecting this agreement, participants will gain a practical understanding of the contractual intricacies involved in life lease housing and how insurance provisions are integrated into the overall framework.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Technical Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters