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In today’s fast-paced business environment, workplace crime can pose significant challenges to the smooth functioning of any organization. From employee theft to external threats, the impact of such criminal activities can be devastating, both financially and operationally. As a responsible business owner or manager, it is essential to take proactive measures to protect your company and its bottom line.

To help you navigate the complex landscape of workplace crime, we are pleased to invite you to our webinar. This engaging session will shed light on various crime and fidelity coverages that can aid in safeguarding your business against internal and external threats. Don’t let workplace crime disrupt your daily operations and impact your company’s success. Register for our webinar today and equip yourself with the necessary tools and knowledge to protect your business against criminal activities. Together, let’s create a secure and thriving work environment for your organization.

Accreditation:  2 Hours
ON/BC Accreditation: Technical Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB/MB: General and Adjusters