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This seminar seeks to break down the barriers surrounding business interruption insurance by shifting the focus away from technical jargon and numerical calculations. Instead, it aims to equip insurance professionals from all disciplines with practical knowledge and strategies for effectively navigating the intricacies of business interruption.

We will explore strategies for accurately assessing and valuing business interruption losses, ensuring that insurance professionals are equipped with the necessary skills to provide accurate coverage and claims management. Participants will also gain insights into the legal and contractual considerations associated with business interruption insurance, enabling them to navigate potential pitfalls and ambiguities.

We aim to transform the perception of business interruption insurance from a daunting and complex field into a valuable and essential component of every risk management portfolio

Accreditation:  3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Technical Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters