Welcome A-KAN Insurance Group

Welcome A-KAN Insurance Group

MRD Training & Consulting Inc. is delighted to welcome A-KANInsurance Group to our training and consulting program. If you have any questions about your learning journey here at MRD, please use our Support Page for all your support and contact needs. Don’t...
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. On this significant day, we honor and remember the courageous residential school survivors and the children who never returned home. Their stories remind us of the importance of acknowledging our past and working...
Happy Long Weekend Peeps!

Happy Long Weekend Peeps!

Us at MRD want to wish you a happy and safe long weekend – can you believe summer is practically done and the kiddos go back to school next week? (I’m sure some of you parents can’t wait LOL) Please take some time for yourselves this weekend & if...
Welcome To Our New Friends!

Welcome To Our New Friends!

On behalf of our team, we would love to welcome all of you who are starting our programs with IBABC. We are so lucky to have you learning with us! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns, or if you even need to hear a couple dad...
Welcome A-KAN Insurance Group

Welcome First Acre Insurance Group

MRD Training & Consulting Inc. is delighted to welcome FIRST ACRE Insurance Group to our training and consulting program. If you have any questions about your learning journey here at MRD, please use our Support Page for all your support and contact needs....