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Are you ready to delve into the intricate world of Non-Profit Directors and Officers (D&O) coverage? Join us for a comprehensive session where we uncover all the essential aspects you need to know. Let’s embark on a journey to understand the roles and responsibilities of the board, unravel the coverage requirements, and navigate through the application process.

During this enlightening session, we will dissect the core responsibilities of Non-Profit Directors and Officers, shedding light on the crucial areas that require your attention. From governance to risk management, we will explore the key components that shape D&O coverage for non-profit organizations.

Furthermore, we will conduct a thorough examination of the application process, providing insights into the essential documentation, including by-laws and non-profit financials. Understanding these foundational elements is paramount to securing comprehensive D&O coverage that meets the specific needs of your organization.

Accreditation:  3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Technical Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters