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This program is for all those taking your Alberta Level One license. This will be your introduction to Alberta General Insurance. Once you acquire your Level 1 License, you will primarily work as a front-end customer service representative. You may also work in a support role for Level 2 and Level 3 brokers in the office. You will be supervised by a Level 2 or Level 3 broker.

This program is extremely robust and includes everything you need to prepare for the exam AND be a rockstar broker. The program includes on-demand classes, activities, quizzes, and a plethora of practice exams. We also have online support and one-on-one tutors.

Alberta Level One Licensing

This program consists of 12 Lessons, each followed by a mandatory quiz. Each lesson must be completed in full before you can move on to the next lesson. Each quiz must achieve 80% or higher before the next lesson will open.

Content such as PowerPoints can be downloaded with each lesson and are reference material for you.

There are also 6 FULL PRACTICE EXAMS that are timed and set up the way your actual exam will be, so these MUST be completed.

Please note a few important tips:

  • This content you are about to embark on is heavy material, and time management is essential.
  • The terminology is imperative to understand and not memorize.
  • As you go through the material you may see some of the questions look similar and this is the case, they are similar. The purpose of this provincial exam is to test your understanding of the concepts and materials, so they ask the same thing in many different ways.
  • Pay attention, one word in the question can make or break you
  • Utilize our support team, as they are here to help you be successful 🙂


Please note: Once purchased, you will have six months of access to the program.

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