Don’t forget the time is quickly approaching for your licence renewal!!


Principal Brokers and Deputy Principal Brokers

10 hours of continuing education credits every year between October 1st and September 30th subject to the following conditions: minimum of 1 hour Ethics, 5 hours Management, and Personal Skills category courses cannot be applied. The remaining hours may be in the Management or Technical categories. A carryover of a maximum of 10 hours (or one term’s requirements) is permitted however the minimum category requirements must be maintained.

All other licensed individuals

8 hours of continuing education credits every year between October 1st and September 30th subject to the following conditions: minimum of 1 hour Ethics, 3 hours Technical, and a maximum of 2 hours Personal Skills may be applied. A carryover of a maximum of 8 hours (or one term’s requirements) is permitted however the minimum category requirements must be maintained.

Newly licensed individuals

The continuing education program of 8 hours every year between October 1st and September 30th will begin the first October following registration. Individuals are only exempted for the remainder of the license year that they were registered.

E.g. Broker A was registered on November 1, 2017 and Broker B was registered on April 30, 2018. Neither Broker A, nor Broker B will be required to have accumulated any continuing education credits by September 30, 2018, but must begin taking the continuing education seminars/courses on October 1, 2018 for the 2018/2019 licence term.

Course Repeats
A minimum of three (3) years must pass before repeat sessions can be counted towards the continuing education requirements again.